adalah salah satu Boy Band besar
Korea Selatan dibawah manajemen SM Entertainment. Beranggotakan 13
personel Leetuk ( ketua ), Heechul, Han Geng, Kang-In, Shindong,
Sungmin, Eunhyuk, Donghae, Siwon, Ryewook, Kibum dan Kyuhyun. Awal
pembentukan Super Junior tidak terlepas dari tangan dingin Lee Soo Man.
Pendiri sekaligus produser SM Entertainment, salah satu agensi dunia
hiburan terbesar di korea. Sepak terjangnya sebagai pencari dan
pembimbing bakat diakui orang banyak. Dari produser jenius inilah
talenta dunia musik Korea seperti H.O.T, Shinhwa, S.E.S, BOA, dan TVXQ
lahir dan banyak menciptakan hits single dan penjualan album yang luar
Pada tahun 2010, hanya ada 10 anggota yang aktif, 3 orang diantaranya yaitu Hangeng memiliki masalah hukum dengan SM Entertainment sehingga menyebabkan HanGeng keluar dari Super Junior (sekarang bersolo karier di kancah hiburan Mandarin-Pop), Kangin dan Kibum juga keluar dikarenakan fokus pada karier seni perannya.
Pada tahun 2010, hanya ada 10 anggota yang aktif, 3 orang diantaranya yaitu Hangeng memiliki masalah hukum dengan SM Entertainment sehingga menyebabkan HanGeng keluar dari Super Junior (sekarang bersolo karier di kancah hiburan Mandarin-Pop), Kangin dan Kibum juga keluar dikarenakan fokus pada karier seni perannya.

Leeteuk (이특/李 特)
Real Name: Park Jungsu (박정수/朴 正 秀)
Position: Leader, Vocalist, Rapper
Position: Leader, Vocalist, Rapper
Nickname(s): Angel without Wings (날개잃은천사), Gaeteuk (개특, named by Heechul), Special Leader (특별한리더), Peter Pan, Ori (오리 aka Duck)
Date of Birth: July 1, 1983
Place of Birth: Seoul Yeonshinnae
Height: 178 cm/5′ 10.1″ in (said on Star King that his real height without shoelifts is 175 cm/5′ 9″)
Weight: 59 kg/129.8 lb
Blood Type: A
Siblings: older sister Park Inyoung (1982)
Specialty/Hobby: Piano, Composition, Listening to music, Singing
Education: Transferred from Paekche Institute of the Arts to Inha University

Heechul (희철/希 澈)
Real Name: Kim Heechul (김희철/金 希 澈)
Position: Vocalist, Sub Rapper, Visual
Position: Vocalist, Sub Rapper, Visual
Heenim (희님), Cinderella (신데렐라), Flower (꽃), Kim Pink (김분홍), Kim
Moodswing (김기복), Kim Cherry (from Youngstreet), Snake (from the Zodiac),
Heerobbong (part of the Bbong brothers with Donghae and U-Know Yunho),
Heebongie Hyung (Yesung’s nickname for Heechul)
Date of Birth: July 10, 1983
Place of Birth: Hoengseong County, Kangwondo - Wonju
Height: 179 cm/5′ 10.5″ in (stated in his 100Q/100A from August 26, 2007 that his height is actually 178 cm/5′ 10.1″)
Weight: 60 kg/132 lb
Blood Type: AB
Siblings: older sister Kim Heejin (1982)
Heebum (Russian Blue cat) since 11/11/06, Champagne (Siamese cat) since
7/26/08; used to have Yamchae (Russian Blue cat) given to him by fans
from 7/13/05 to 11/3/05, but he ran away while Heechul was away for a
few days filming.
Specialty/Hobby: Writing poems, Writing fairy tales, Computer games
Education: Sangji University ; reportedly graduated in 2008.

Yesung (예성/藝 聲)
Real Name: Kim Jongwoon (김종운/金 鐘 雲)
Position: Main Vocalist
Position: Main Vocalist
Nickname(s): Cloud (구룸), Dog (from the Zodiac), Rabid Dog (광견; Heechul’s nickname for Yesung)
Date of Birth: August 24, 1984
Place of Birth: Chunahn in Southern Choongchung Province (충남 천안)(충청남도 천안)
Height: 178 cm/5′ 10.1″
Weight: 64 kg/140.8 lb
Blood Type: AB
Siblings: younger brother Kim Jongjin (1987)
a turtle named Ttangkkoma (땅꼬마 which means ’small runt’) since 12/4/08;
he mentioned on “Olnbam” that it cost him 200,000 won (~$150).
Specialty/Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Exercise
Chungwoon University , Broadcast Music major, possibly transferred to
Sunmoon University; reportedly graduated in early 2009
Shindong (신동/申 東 or 神 童)
Real Name: Shin Donghee (신동희/申 東 熙)
Position: Lead Rapper, Lead Dancer, Rapper
Position: Lead Rapper, Lead Dancer, Rapper
Nickname(s): Dongri Dong Dong (from Ppo Ppo Ppo)
Date of Birth: September 28, 1985
Place of Birth: Moonkyung in Northern KyungGi Province
Height: 178 cm/5′ 10.1″
90 kg/198 lb (he stated on his minihompy that he started his current
diet at 103 kg/227 lb. Shindong stated during an interview during the
Super Show in Shanghai that at one point, he had lost up to 19 kg, but
that he had gained 4 kg back so he’s lost a total of 15 kg – 11/22/08;
as of 3/25, Shindong stated that he’s gained back 10kg from his peak
weight loss of 20kg so at ~93 kg/205 lbs)
Blood Type: O
Siblings: only child
Specialty/Hobby: Making facial expressions, Making jokes, Dancing
Education: Paekche Institute of the Arts

Sungmin (성민/成 民)
Real Name: Lee Sungmin (이성민/李 成 民)
Position: Lead Vocalist, Main Dancer
Position: Lead Vocalist, Main Dancer
Nickname(s): Sweet Pumpkin (단호박 comes from his line in a one-episode drama called “Sea of sisters”), Minimi (미니미)
Date of Birth: January 1, 1986
Place of Birth: Ilsan in KyungGi Province
Height: 175 cm/5′ 8.9″
Weight: 57 kg/125.4 lb
Blood Type: A
Siblings: younger brother Lee Sungjin
Ari (Yorkshire Terrier dog, name means “Fighting” in Korean. This isn’t
the same dog that he looked after for a month on “Animal Farm.” That
Ari was adopted by another family.)
Specialty/Hobby: Chinese martial arts, Acting, Watching movies, Playing instruments
Education: Transferred from Seoul Arts University; currently a student at Myongji University

Eunhyuk (은혁/銀 赫)
Real Name: Lee Hyukjae (이혁재/李 赫 宰)
Position: Lead Rapper, Lead Dancer, Vocalist
Position: Lead Rapper, Lead Dancer, Vocalist
Nickname(s): Jewel Guy (보석미남), Monkey (from the Zodiac)
Date of Birth: April 4, 1986
Place of Birth: Goyangshi NeungGok
Height: 176 cm/5′ 9.3″ (mentioned on Yashimmanman that his real height was +/- 2 cm so 174 cm/5′ 8.5″ )
Weight: 58 kg/127.6 lb
Blood Type: O
Siblings: older sister Lee Sora (1984)
Pets: Choco (lives with his parents)
Specialty/Hobby: Dancing (all genres), Exercising, Listening to music
Education: Currently a student at Pai Chai University
Donghae (동해/東 海)
Real Name: Lee Donghae (이동해/李 東 海)
Position: Main Rapper, Dancer, Main Vocalist
Position: Main Rapper, Dancer, Main Vocalist
Fishy (물고기, it’s actually just “fish” but because of how Koreans
pronounce it, it became “Fishy” to international fans), Donghae Bada
(동해바다, East Sea), Pinocchio (named by Heechul), Dorobbong (part of the
Bbong brothers with Heechul and U-Know Yunho), Tiger (from the Zodiac)
Date of Birth: October 15, 1986
Place of Birth: Mokpo in Southern Jeolla Province
Height: 175 cm/5′ 8.9″
Weight: 60 kg/132 lb (Donghae mentioned on Itta Upta 4/4/09 that he weighed 59kg)
Blood Type: A
Siblings: older brother Donghwa
Bada (Bichon Maltese dog, name comes from Donghae’s name East Sea, thus
Bada meaning “Sea”), Meo (Bichon Maltese dog, name is short for
Specialty/Hobby: Dancing, Exercise, Singing, Watching movies
Education: Currently a student at Myongji University
Siwon (시원/始 源) (시원 which is actually pronounced Shiwon)
Real Name: Choi Siwon (최시원/崔 始 源)
Position: Vocalist, Visual
Position: Vocalist, Visual
Nickname(s): Simba (named by Heechul), Horse (from the Zodiac)
of Birth: February 10, 1987 (Apparently, Shiwon’s real birthday is
April 7, 1986… Eeteuk said Shiwon’s birthday was coming up soon on his
minihompy on 4/5/09. The story is that his parents didn’t registered his
birth until February of the following year for whatever reason so in
official documents his birthday is listed as February 10. However,
despite the fact that his actual birthday is April 7, February 10 is the
birthday he officially celebrates with Super Junior fans so…)
Place of Birth: Seoul Gangnam (south of Han River near Apgujung)
Height: 183 cm/6′
Weight: 65 kg/143 lb
Blood Type: B
Siblings: younger sister Choi Jiwon
Specialty/Hobby: Singing, Dancing, Acting, Taekwondo, Chinese (language), Playing drums
Education: Currently a student at Inha University, Physical Education major
Ryeowook (려욱/麗 旭)
Real Name: Kim Ryeowook (김려욱/金 麗 旭)
Position: Main Vocalist
Position: Main Vocalist
Nickname(s): Eternal Mangnae (만년막내 literally means “for 10,000 years, the youngest”)
Date of Birth: June 21, 1987
Place of Birth: Inchon Bupyung Sanggokdong
Height: 173 cm/5′ 8.1″
Weight: 58 kg/127.6 lb
Blood Type: O
Siblings: only child
Specialty/Hobby: Singing, Composition
Education: Currently a student at Inha University, Theater Arts major
Kyuhyun (규현/奎 賢)
Real Name: Cho Kyuhyun (조규현/趙 奎 賢)
Position: Lead Vocalist, Main Dancer, Maknae
Position: Lead Vocalist, Main Dancer, Maknae
Nickname(s): Kim Kyu (김규, named by Heechul), Game Kyu (겜규) , Jumong Kyu (주몽규) , Chic Kyu (시크규)
Date of Birth: February 3, 1988
Place of Birth: Seoul Nohwon
Height: 180 cm/5′ 10.9″
Weight: 68 kg/149.6 lb
Blood Type: A
Siblings: older sister Cho Ara (1985)
Specialty/Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Watching movies
Sekarang Lihat Video Klipnya Suju Dulu ya...Masa Udah tahu Biodatanya nggak tahu aksinya, hohoho
Education: Currently a student at Kyunghee University, Post Modern Music major
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